11 research outputs found

    Stacked structure learning for lifted relational neural networks

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    Lifted Relational Neural Networks (LRNNs) describe relational domains using weighted first-order rules which act as templates for constructing feed-forward neural networks. While previous work has shown that using LRNNs can lead to state-of-the-art results in various ILP tasks, these results depended on hand-crafted rules. In this paper, we extend the framework of LRNNs with structure learning, thus enabling a fully automated learning process. Similarly to many ILP methods, our structure learning algorithm proceeds in an iterative fashion by top-down searching through the hypothesis space of all possible Horn clauses, considering the predicates that occur in the training examples as well as invented soft concepts entailed by the best weighted rules found so far. In the experiments, we demonstrate the ability to automatically induce useful hierarchical soft concepts leading to deep LRNNs with a competitive predictive power

    Learning predictive categories using lifted relational neural networks

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    Lifted relational neural networks (LRNNs) are a flexible neural-symbolic framework based on the idea of lifted modelling. In this paper we show how LRNNs can be easily used to specify declaratively and solve learning problems in which latent categories of entities, properties and relations need to be jointly induced

    Lifted relational neural networks: efficient learning of latent relational structures

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    We propose a method to combine the interpretability and expressive power of firstorder logic with the effectiveness of neural network learning. In particular, we introduce a lifted framework in which first-order rules are used to describe the structure of a given problem setting. These rules are then used as a template for constructing a number of neural networks, one for each training and testing example. As the different networks corresponding to different examples share their weights, these weights can be efficiently learned using stochastic gradient descent. Our framework provides a flexible way for implementing and combining a wide variety of modelling constructs. In particular, the use of first-order logic allows for a declarative specification of latent relational structures, which can then be efficiently discovered in a given data set using neural network learning. Experiments on 78 relational learning benchmarks clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework

    Efficient Extraction of Network Event Types from NetFlows

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    To perform sophisticated traffic analysis, such as intrusion detection, network monitoring tools firstly need to extract higher-level information from lower-level data by reconstructing events and activities from as primitive information as individual network packets or traffic flows. Aggregating communication data into meaningful entities is an open problem and existing, typically clustering-based, solutions are often highly suboptimal, producing results that may misinterpret the extracted information and consequently miss many network events. We propose a novel method for the extraction of various predefined types of network events from raw network flow data. The new method is based on analysis of computational properties of the event types as prescribed by their attributes in a given descriptive language. The corresponding events are then extracted with a supreme recall as compared to a respective event extraction part of an in-production intrusion detection system Camnep